Monday, October 7, 2013

Day 5

Removable vs. Fixed?  This used to be a big issue for me and years ago I even used to carry a spare battery but with my last phone "Galaxy S3" I do not have a spare battery and don't feel a need for one. Bottom line as long as I make it though the day and I still have battery life I'm OK.  This ain't a biggie for me and honestly I don't know what lasts longer the 4s or the S3 as long as it lasts the day.

Not a big lover of this app.  It's no accident that the sole purpose of iTunes is to keep you in the iTunes Store to spend money because they make it so damn difficult to do anything else.  I wanted to install a custom ringtone which on the Android was a simple as connecting my phone to my computer via USB and dragging the .mp3 in to the proper folder.  On iPhone (unless I missed something obvious) I have to take the .mp3 and drop it onto iTunes, then select the .mp3 and convert to ACC, then save the .m43 file back to my desktop, rename it to .m4r, copy it back to iTunes, then sync the phone.  WTF!  Maybe this process is easier on a Mac -- I'm using Win7 :-(

iTunes (cont)
I hate iTunes so much that I use Winamp to sync all my music between my iPhone & iPod.  With Winamp it's as easy as drag & drop.


  1. IOS 7.... Blue Screen of Death?

    1. WHAAAA! IOS 7 haz bugs?
      THE Unthinkable! C'MON APPL, No OTHER OS HAZ bugs!!! #YOLO #LOL #LMAO #I♥
